필라테스의 중심은 "코어" 근육을 깨우는 것입니다.

Central to Pilates is awakening of the “core” muscles

What is Pilates?

Pilates, named after its founder Joseph Pilates, is an exercise method that focuses on core strength, flexibility, and whole-body alignment through mindful movements and controlled breathing.

Developed in the early 20th century to aid the rehabilitation of injured soldiers and dancers, Pilates combines elements of yoga, gymnastics, and strength training, making it accessible to people of all fitness levels.

Unlike exercises that force sweat or muscle tension, Pilates emphasizes balance and natural muscle relaxation. It strengthens the powerhouse, enhancing balance, flexibility, posture, and circulation.

Additionally, Pilates is highly effective for rehabilitation and is often recommended as a starting point after hospital-based recovery. With its use of spring resistance, it minimizes the risk of injury, making it a safe and effective exercise for all ages, from children to seniors.

필라테스는 창시자인 조셉 필라테스의 이름을 딴 운동으로, 코어 근육 강화와 유연성, 전신 정렬을 중점으로 호흡과 함께 조화로운 동작을 통해 신체와 마음을 단련하는 운동입니다.

20세기 초, 조셉 필라테스가 부상당한 군인과 무용수의 재활을 돕기 위해 개발했으며, 요가, 체조, 근력 운동의 요소를 결합하여 누구나 즐길 수 있는 전신 운동법으로 발전했습니다.

필라테스는 강제적으로 땀을 내거나 근육을 긴장시키기보다는 신체의 균형을 잡고 근육을 자연스럽게 이완시키는 운동입니다. 파워하우스를 강화하여 균형 감각과 유연성을 높이고, 바른 자세 유지와 혈액순환 개선에 도움을 줍니다.

또한, 재활 운동으로도 효과적이며, 병원 재활 치료 후 처음 시작하는 운동으로 많이 추천됩니다. 스프링 저항을 이용해 부상 위험이 적어, 어린이부터 노인까지 모든 연령대가 안전하게 즐길 수 있습니다.

필라테스는 몸과 마음과 정신의 완벽한 협동이다.

“Pilates is the complete coordination of body, mind & spirit”


Health Benefits of Pilates

Strengthens Core Muscles

코어 근육 강화

Pilates focuses on building core strength, leading to better posture, stability, and a toned midsection.

Improves Flexibility

유연성 향상

Regular practice increases flexibility and range of motion, helping to prevent injuries and enhance overall mobility.

Enhances Posture

자세 개선

Pilates emphasizes proper alignment, which helps correct poor posture and reduces strain on the spine.

Promotes Mindfulness

정신 건강 증진

The controlled movements and focused breathing in Pilates reduce stress, boost relaxation, and improve mental clarity.

Increases Muscle Tone

근육 톤 증가

Pilates helps develop lean muscle, resulting in a more sculpted and toned physique without adding bulk.

Aids in Rehabilitation

부상 재활 및 만성 통증 완화

Pilates is effective in rehabilitating injuries and alleviating chronic pain, particularly in the lower back.

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